My first blog...

An extremely generic first title for a blog... Lockdowns have left most of us, myself included, yearning for travel and to explore once again. Whilst the UK Government seems set to push ahead with the Traffic Light system for International Travel, flying away to exotic destinations still seems far away. For many months, I've been musing around establishing a blog to reminisce about travels of recent years - and now, I've begun. There won't be daily updates, current affairs or news, but I'm here to give you insight on:

  • Travel experiences (air, rail, road)
  • Food and drink
  • Culture
  • Home and lifestyle
  • Getting away for the best value for money
  • London life

I plan to also use the best of technology to make this blog as easy to digest as possible - including auto-conversion to audio format & accessibility via your preferred podcast player.

So please join me for this new blog, during and after lockdowns, to get the lowdown on all the above and more. Subscribe to email updates below to know when new posts are out!

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HEL of a journey